Tuesday, May 15, 2012

World food crisis-alarm to increase agricultural production.

Land is the most valuable and essential element to produce crop and food.  Land also constant and limited natural resource in the world. Day by day rapidly decreasing the cultivable land and increasing world food crisis. Recently the world population crossed the landmark of 7000 million. Researchers, specialists and scientists are seriously worried about future food crisis in the world.  Main reasons of food crisis are world climate change, reducing agricultural land on demand of residence for growing populations, reducing land fertility due to synthetic and chemical reaction, technical disadvantage of third world countries, natural disaster, unutilized land and so many.  In the middle of this century world population will grow nearer to 9000 million beside the residential demand will reduce existing cultivable land. World food production will require increasing cent percent then 2010 with utilize our limited resources in the year of 2050.  Last year wheat, rice, maize, sugar and vegetable oil price increased 6-8 percent in the world market.  At the present situation every day nearer 1000 million people passing the day in fasting, majority they are in African and Indian. Another 1000 million people is suffering with malnutrition in different part of the world.
In this situation, significantly increasing the production of agriculture should be number one issue to world leaders. In this blog I would like to share my experience in agricultural sector. I will share different type of agricultural technology that can be helpful to interested and involved persons.  

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